Parent and Provider Contract/Enrollment Application

Date of application ______________________________ Date of start date _____________________________
Child’s name _____________________________Age _________ Sex _________ Birth date _______________
Home address__________________________________________ City/Zip ____________________________
Parent Name 1 _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ Mobile _______________________Work _____________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Address__________________________________________ City/Zip ____________________________
Parent Name 2 _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ Mobile _______________________Work _____________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Address__________________________________________ City/Zip ____________________________
1. Daycare Payments can be made by cash or check made payable to [INSERT YOUR BUSINESS NAME
2. We are open Monday through Friday (7:30am to 5:30pm). I/We will be need childcare for our child
normally beginning at ____________o’clock and ending at __________o’clock.
3. Please mark the days of the week you will need childcare.
o Monday
o Tuesday
o Wednesday
o Thursday
o Friday
4. Check One…
o Option 1: I/We prefer to pay weekly (due on Monday of each week).
o Option 2: I/We prefer to pay monthly (due on the 1st of each month).
Note: To figure out the monthly payment you do the following (weekly amount × 52 weeks ÷ 12 months).
5. Our weekly or monthly selected tuition price is (refer to price sheet) $_____________.
6. The amount of the deposit equal to two weeks of payment for childcare is $_____________. The amount of
the deposit listed will be credited towards the last two weeks of enrollment.
Persons other than parents authorized to pick up your child from [INSERT YOUR BUSINESS NAME
HERE]. Note: Written permission is necessary if you want someone other than one of the below listed to pick
up your child.
Name_____________________ Home Phone _____________________ Mobile Phone ___________________
Name_____________________ Home Phone _____________________ Mobile Phone ___________________
7. The Following subjects are of special concern to us. Both parents/custodians please initial each. Your
initials indicate each subject is read, understood, and agreed upon.
A. (______) (______) DIAPERS/WIPES: It is the parent's responsibility to provide diapers, wipes, and
diaper cream for your child. It is also the parent's responsibility to check periodically to see if or
when your child needs more diapers, wipes, and cream, (not the providers). Each child has his or
her own labeled diaper bin, either in the infant/younger toddler room or older toddler/preschooler room,
depending on the age of the child.
B. (______) (______) SHOES: Younger children love to take off their shoes. It is for this reason that we
prefer children come to daycare in shoes that lace up and/or stay on their feet. If your child has
these type of shoes on then we can control when and where they come on and off. Therefore we can
assure that his/her shoes will be available for you at pickup. However, if your child comes to daycare in
flip-flops, Crocks, or other types of shoes that fall off or get taken off, then we cannot guarantee their
availability at pickup, as they will have most likely fallen off or been taken off and hidden in a outside
toy or bush at some point during the day. In times when these type of shoes are worn, due to matters
outside of our full control, parents hereby resolve [INSERT YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE] of
all responsibility for the shoes safe return and/or the ensuing scavenger hunt.
C. (______) (______) TRIAL PERIOD: The first 30 days of your child’s enrollment will be regarded
as a trial period, in which case either party may terminate the contract without notice. Each child
responds differently to a new environment, new children/providers, and moms/dads absence. We are
patient and good at what we do, so most of the time this is a non-issue. However, there are rare times in
which we must consider the well being of the group (the other children in our care). If for whatever
reason, either party feels our childcare environment may not be the best fit, either party reserves the
right to utilize this time period as a trial and terminate the contract without resentment, judgment, or ill-
will. In such cases, your two week deposit can either be utilized (with the exception of gross misconduct
on part of provider/parent/child) or returned to you for immediate discontinuation of service.
D. (______) (______) TERMINATION POLICY: After the first 30 days of enrollment, 60 Days written
notice from parent or provider is required to terminate the contract, with the exception of gross
misconduct on part of the provider, parent, or child. Whenever possible even more notice is better.
This helps us tremendously. Reason being, unlike childcare centers, we can only take a limited amount
of children. So when we are full we are forced to say NO to all incoming requests for childcare. If we
have advance notice of discontinuation of needed services then it is possible for us make future
arrangements with new family’s inquiring about daycare for their child. This helps to keep our open
spots fluctuation to a minimum, and helps us be able to focus more on being the best childcare providers
we can be, instead of worrying about “the bills”, and putting food on the table.
E. (______) (______) HOURS OF OPERATION: We are open from open Monday through Friday
7:30am to 5:30pm. We close promptly at 5:30pm. At 5:30pm each day we have to quickly run off to
our children’s soccer, baseball, karate, and wresting games/practice. So please be considerate of our time
when budgeting yours. If your late to pick up “once in a blue moon”, because of bad traffic or whatever,
we understand and no hard feelings. But if late pickups become a regular occurrence, then we may not
be the best fit for your childcare needs, and we may be forced to terminate our childcare arrangement.
F. (______) (______) DAYCARE INTERIOR/EXTERIOR DOORS: Children love to go through open
doors. If a door is opened most of the younger children will follow you through it. As you can imagine
this can be disruptive to temporarily loose control of which children are in which room with each parent
pickup and drop off. So please promptly close each door after opening it without letting any
children following you through it.
any of the following illnesses must be completely free of any symptoms before returning to
daycare. If your child is taking antibiotics for an illness, your child may return to daycare after the
initial 24 hours of beginning antibiotics as long as he or she has a slight to no fever (under 100F under
the arm), no longer contagious, and is otherwise feeling well enough to participate in our daily schedule.
Signs of illness include the following; unusual lethargy, irritability, persistent crying for no reason,
runny nose (more than clear), cough (more than slight), difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, mouth
sores, rashes (note from doctor stating non-contagious is ok), pink eye, chicken pox, mumps, measles,
roseola, hepatitis A, impetigo, lice, ringworm, scabies, strep throat, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, shingles,
and any other contagious disease or rash. Any child with a fever of 100 degrees or above, orally (in
the mouth), or axillary (under the arm), may not attend daycare. State law requires that we notify
parents of children who have been exposed to certain contagious diseases. Please notify us if your child
becomes infected, so a note can be posted.
H. (______) (______) PICK-UPS AND DROP-OFFS: (a) Please make your pick-ups and drop-offs
brief (no more than a couple minutes). As you can imagine it takes quite a bit of effort to retain
control of a room full of two year olds. Children act up considerably when other parent’s are present. If
you linger this makes our job much harder. Please understand, we are a home daycare, and not a
mommy and me class. If you feel the need to run around and play with kids, then may we suggest you
take your child to a park and/or open your own daycare. (b) Please send your child clean, dressed (no
pajamas, unless you don't mind your child wearing their pajamas all day), fed and ready for the day, as
well as all of your child's necessary supplies needed for that day's care. (c) Never leave without telling
your child goodbye (don’t sneak out). (d) Please be in control of your child during drop-off and pick-up
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